Structural Editing
Thought of as “big picture” editing, a developmental, structural, or substantive edit ensures that writers’ ideas are communicated clearly and their arguments are supported. In this kind of edit, Julia works with each writer to strengthen the themes, arguments, organization, and content of the manuscript.
Line Editing
Line editing is sentence-level wordsmithing. In a line edit, Julia assesses each sentence for clarity, flow, and word choice. Line editing also addresses transitional material between sentences and paragraphs. A line edit will help tighten and hone a writer’s manuscript. It is great option for writers struggling to work within a word limit.
Often mistaken as “proofreading” in day-to-day conversation, copyediting ensures correct writing at the sentence level. This type of editing corrects spelling, grammar, word usage, and punctuation errors. It is also where the style guide of the writer’s choice is applied through the manuscript. Copyediting is most efficient after the final draft of the manuscript is complete. It ensures that the writer submits a polished final product to the next stage of the publishing process.
Proofreading is the final check for errors before a manuscript goes to the publisher. During a proofread focus is placed on finding any final typos or new errors introduced during typesetting. This includes ensuring consistently in formatting, page makeup, and layout.